1964-10-17 - Yale

Half-Time Show

Ladies and gentlemen: the wittiest band in the world -- the Columbia College BabyBlue![march to midfield]Today the band brings to your attention some current campus fads -- those customspracticed by nearly any Ivy Leaguer worth his tweed... The student at an easternprestige school is, above all, a supremely intellectual type. And the best way todemonstrate this virtue is not to shave. The Band shows that it, too, can beintellectual, by forming a beard and moustache.[band forms beard and moustache. Play "Gillette Song."]Our second campus custom is again practiced by the campus cerebra. Intellect canbe demonstrated by the art of pipe-smoking, which every Ivy League student mustmaster... Pipe smoking is unsurpassed for creating an impression of wisdom andserenity. But it does create one problem...[band forms smoking pipe. Play "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes."]One of the better-known of the popular crazes is folk-singing. The campusblue-grass expert must meet three specifications: he must need a haircut, he mustknow four chords, and he must have a small, stringed instrument for plucking...Hoping to keep up with the times, the band now forms a mandolin pick... Ladiesand gentlemen: you are witnessing another Columbia Band first -- a Bandnanny![band forms mandolin pick. Play "Down By The Riverside."]Some campus fads may come and go, but there is one that we all know will stickaround.[band forms "SEX." Play "All The Way."]Ladies and gentlemen: the Columbia College Alma Mater.[band forms "C." Play "Sans Souci."]