1964-10-31 - Cornell

Half-Time Show

Ladies and gentlemen: the cleverest band in the world -- The Columbia Collegebaby blue. In your heart you know that THEY ARE THE GREATEST! The Band today paystribute to a facet of a American life which is currently increasing at a veryrapid pace -- moral decay![march to midfield, drum major in raccoon coat, skimmer, drinking from flask.Play "Beer Barrel Polka"]Everyone, it seems, is talking abot the fall of American morals: students,politicans, workers, and especially clergymen. The Band forms a lump of moraldecay as it musically portrays the clergy's recommendation for combatting thisproblem.[mass together in lump. Play "Never On Sunday"]As part of its salute to moral decay, the Band would like to mention the townwhich has done the most to promote decadence during the past few years: theAll-American town of Darien, Connecticut.[form champagne bottle with popping cork. Play "The Night They Invented Champagne."]No tribute to moral decay would be complete without mention of this past summer'sbiggest eye-opener. The band now portrays the upper part of a toplessbathing-suit.[band runs off field, except for two sousaphones. Play "My Favorite Things."]When we think of moral decay, we must of course think of the current presidentialrace. Recently, the Republicans have been berating the democrats for allegedlycovering up immorality in the administration... Let's look through the peep-holethe band has formed on the field... Yes -- it looks the like the Republicans wereright: Jenkins was fiddling while Washington burned![band forms keyhole. Play "My Favorite Things."]The band sincerely hopes that the election will bring an end to talk aboutso-called "moral decay" in America... While not wanting to publicly endorse acandidate, the Band would like to make a prediction.[band forms "GOP," splits apart lengthwise. Play "The Party's Over."]Ladies and gentlemen: the Cornell University Alma Mater.[band forms backwards "C." Play "Hail Cornell."]Ladies and gentlemen: the Columbia College Alma Mater.[band forms "C." Play "Sans Souci."]