1966-10-29 - Cornell

Half-time Show

Ladies and Gentlemen, Timothy Leary, high priest, Stan Adelman, head manager incharge of heads, and Ying-Yang Alexander, drum major, present the ColumbiaUniversity high flying psychedelic marching band.[Play "Wild Blue Yonder."]Today's college student functions under more pressure than ever before. Hisgrandfather swallowed goldfish to relieve the tension, his father swallowedmartinis. But even his older brother's "smoke-filled room" does not provide himwith the necessary escape he desires. So, like the man says, he decides to "comeup, come all the way up," to lysergic acid diethylamine.[Band forms pot, turns into LSD. Play "Changes Made."]Chemistry students at major universities, (even those with antiquated laboratoryfacilities) have become increasingly aware of the possibilities forself-exploration. Late oin a moonless night, by the flickering light of theirbunsen burners, they may be seen kaboring thest tubes, trying to maunfacturetheir own chemical Nirvana. But it akes more than the knowledge gained infreshman chemistry to activate the proper reaction. It takes a special kind ofoccult power.[Band forms test tube. Play "Old Black Magic."]One need not suffer unnecessary pain or discomfort in administering LSD, for thedrug is taken in a saturated sugar cuve - which melts in your mouth, not in yourhand. And soon after swallowing it you feel that your hand is melting too.[Band forms sugar cube. Play "Ain't She Sweet."]The self-avowed high priest of the LSD cult, professor turned entrepreneurTimothy Leary has been preaching the virtues of consciousness expansion. But withhis successful marketing of the cult, Mr. Leary has undergone an even greatedwallet expansion. Even though every prophet must have his profit, the bandreamins skeptical of commercial explotionation of LSD hallucination. Forming alump of expanding conciousness, the band finds the proponents of such fantasticdreams all wet.[Band forms lump, which expands. Play "Impossible Dream."]Ladies and Gentlemen, the Columbia College Alma Mater.[Band forms C, play "Sans Souci."]