1972-10-14 - Harvard


Ladies and gentlemen, the Cleverest Band in the World, the Columbia University Marching Band


J. Stewart Sterk, Head Manager
J. Peter Lefferts, Drum Major
and featuring on the


welcomes all Columbia alumni back to yet another view of beautiful Baker Field on the blissfully blue banks ot the Harlem River.


With glasses raised, the Band salutes that Canadian Club. the Harvard football team.

[Play Tavern in the Town]

For the Alumni's listening pleasure, the Band now presents music to write checkS by.

[Play Roar Lion Roar]


Ladies and gentlemen, the Columbia University Marching Trots, featuring the Marks brothers, Monarch and Cliff, reading from their notes and the masters of western literature on the shelf, takes an existential leap into the paperback palace of Humanities A.

[March out to School Days]

Dante, that infernal Florentine, has been the scourge of Humanities A students for many years. Like many Italians, Dante had a burning desire to make his way into the underworld, but he found it too hot to handle alone. Vergil, however, made him an offer he could not refuse, and took him on a Circle Line tour.

[Form Circle, Play Magical Mystery Tour]

Not soon before that, in the town of Thebes, of Ali Baba fame, Oedipus Rexx, the King, lacked the foresight to keep an eye out for his mother. Blind to Teiresias's prophesies, Oedipus didn't realize what was at stake until it was too late. The Band salutes Oedipus for his new interpretation of the fifth commandment, and forms the first of the red hot mamas.

[Form Mother, Play I want a girl]

Speaking of mothers, Mary, unlike many Humanities A students,
had no conception of what to do with a crib sheet. Her son, on the other hand, was more scholastically inclined, but he was crossed up in his attempt at higher education when he was nailed on the boards, The band now salutes his ascension to bigger and better things.

[Form Cross, Play Up, up and away]

[Apparently, this joke was too much for our 1970's audience and was subsituted with the following.]

If things were rotten in the State of Thebes, however, Denmark was blessed with its share of bad mothers as well. Queen Gertrude, that great Dane, had no quarrel with her husband's plan to make Hamlet disappear, but this was not to be. Hamlet, on the other hand, was more concerned with his high spirited father, who was gotten to nunnery in a rather errie manner. The Band forms a bloody sword and salutes Hamlet for taking a tip from his southern cousins on how to patch up a family dispute.

[Form Sword, Play Wipe Out]

In this day of prison robellions, we would do well to remember Socrates, one of the least revolting of political prisoners. Faced with exile to Attica by a joint committee, Socrates found the grass greener on his own side of the fence. Unfortunately, though, there was no heroine to come to the rescue, which causes
us to wonder whether things might not have been better with Coke. The Band now forma Scorates' dreams going up in smoke.

(Band does this, Play Pepsi jingle]

Ladies and gentlemen, the Columbia College Alma Mater, followed by the Columb1a University Alma Mater.

[Form C]