1995-10-14 - Lehigh


Ladies and Gentlemen, and engineers, back despite that slide rule in your pocket, it's the most pocket-protected band in the world, the Columbia University Marching Sinusoid Curve.


J. Lloyd Allen Wielding Epicurean disregard.
J. John O'Neill Wielding Diogenic cynicism.
J. Kira Gardner Wielding Epictetan stoicism.
J. "Tito" Dakss Wielding that nasty funk.
and J. Random Lehigh student Wielding the protractor of doom.


welcomes itself back to beautiful, bucolic, bulimic, multicultural, eleemosynary, yet still iconoclastic, Lawrence A. Wien stadium, where we're sure the Lions will break the Engineers like that poorly designed bridge shown in high school physics, the score will be as high as the limit of x as x approaches infinity, and the brass will play as low as, well, the library.

[who owns]

Perchance persons present perceived a pummeling of Penn previously. Pulverizing plays and powerful passes pierced the veritable prophylactic of Penn's potent players. Postulating paltry performance, Penn prostrated Pennsself pitifully previous to persecution. A propensity to prevail perhaps prepared Penn poorly, but no pity is projected or pitched in their path. Pomegranate. Persephone. Penelope. Sweet poetry, perchance, but sweeter still: Passes. Punts. Penalties. Pulverization.

Praying for projection, the Band now forms Penn's pathos and plays Why Pout?


Please rise as the Columbia University Marching Band plays the national anthem.



Ladies and Gentlemen, and parents, back despite the magnitude of the trek to Baker Field, the farthest-roving Band in the world, the Columbia University Marching Long March.



J. Furnald Lawn - Being torn up
J. Furnald Hall - Being torn apart
J. Ferris Booth Hall - Being torn down
and J. Random Buddhist - Being


presents an all-star gala salute to frosh, their parents, the really big loans they took out to get here, and the new waitlist policy.

[Who Owns]

If you didn't attend the Columbia-Penn game last weekend, you must instead have gone to see the other miracle in Central Park, as the pontiff bestowed his enlightened presence on our fair metropolis. Indeed, a flurry of publicity has surrounded his Holiness' U.S. tour, which has resulted in numerous calls for the modernization of the Roman Catholic Church. The Band, never one to be left out, has come up with a few of its own suggestions.